Hanbiro - Management account

Postmaster management account
Build and administer Groupware system

What is Postmaster?

It’s an account with the highest level of privileges, which we call the general administrator account in Groupware.

Each company using Hanbiro software will be provided with this administrative account to install and set up an online company organizational chart on Hanbiro’s system.

What is the connection between Postmaster and other account types?

Groupware has 3 types of accounts: Postmaster – Admin – Regular user:
– Postmaster is the highest administrator account, has the role of setting up and managing overall such as License information, Employee’s work/departure time, building an organization chart and specifying which ID is Admin. of any menu.
– Admin is the management account assigned by Postmaster, responsible for installing specific features for each menu in charge.
– The user is usually the last account, usually an employee, and uses the menus according to the settings of Postmaster and Admin.

Main Functions


Domain name, number of created users/maximum total users, used space/default capacity, etc.

The supreme administrator can reset the password or create a secure password in this section and set the time zone and date format.

Type text to display in the browser title.

Postmaster can create forms for users to use in the Approval menu and some other form selector menus.

Users can use the forms after the postmaster is done creating.

Time setting

There are 2 working types, Basic and Extension:

  • Basic: Set the company’s default working hours such as working on weekdays and Saturdays (from what time to what time), Are there holidays, Saturdays and Sundays off? Overtime. The exception does not need timekeeping or the right to edit employee working hours information,…

  • Extension: With extended settings, there will be more working by week/month, night shift, etc.

Menu Settings

Used to hide/show menus for the entire company and set the order of menus on the Groupware menu bar.

Hide/show menu for each user, suitable for cases where each department/individual uses this menu and other departments/individuals don’t need it.

Admin can be delegated to manage the entire menu or individual menus.


In this section, postmaster is used to create new users and detailed user information such as: Avatar, Date of employment, Gender, Date of birth, Department, Position, Phone number, Security 2 class (OTP),…

Postmaster can correct account information, delete accounts, quit accounts, Reset passwords for accounts,…

Transfer data, Task daily of the Task menu and approval documents of the Approval menu from one department to another or from one user to another. Used in case the user changes the part.

Postmaster can view the entire history of activities related to user/department information when postmaster/user/department changes/creates information.


Used to search for outgoing mail information of users: Search by day/week/month, Subject, Sender/Recipient, IP and Status (successful, failed, …)

Hanbiro Talk

Set a title for Hanbiro Talk, for example Hanbiro Vietnam.

View login history of all users like ID, name, Access time, Browser info, IP, Login/Logout/Login failed.

For companies with websites that allow customers to text messages for support, the Live chat feature will help Hanbiro Talk users receive that message from the Customer. Postmaster will appoint a Person in charge of Live chat and set up Date, Time, add avatar,…


Postmaster will install users to access Groupware from any IP, USB, MAC Address.

Groupware users can log in to Groupware on smartphones through the App, but Postmaster can set to allow all smartphones to be used or deny access on smartphones.


Access and edit login/Login failed/Logout history of accounts.

This section helps Postmaster check disk space through a diagram showing how many MB Mail, CloudDisk, Hanbiro Talk, … are using.

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